Sunday, February 13, 2011

Composition Collection

This is an example of bad composition for many reasons, but one of the main reasons is because it is very blurry and un-recognizable. Another reason that it shows bad composition is because there is no focal point to the picture, yes you can obviously tell that I was trying to take a picture of the sky, but I was also trying to incorporate the tree. The last reason why I believe that this is an example of bad composition is because there is no symmetrical balance.

This is actually a picture I took this past winter when I went to St. John and thought it was perfect for this particular assignment. This is an example of good composition. It shows good texture because of the water as well as showing center and balance. Another reason why it shows good composition is because of the lines and movement.
This is an example of good composition because it shows a variety of colors as well as repetition. The flowers also show a good example of movement and lines from the stems.

This is an example of bad composition because even though the primary focus of this picture may be the coors light sign, it is not symmetrical. Another reason why this shows bad composition is because there is no movement throughout the picture. The picture lacks color as well as proportion.

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